Romer String Quartet
Violin I 第一小提琴 -
Yip Wai Chow 周業瑋
Kitty Cheung 張文蕊 (on leave 休假)
Violin II 第二小提琴 - Kiann Chow 周止善
Viola 中提琴 - Ringo Chan 陳敏聰
Cello 大提琴 - Eric Yip 葉俊禧
Named after the Romer's Tree Frog endemic to Hong Kong, Romer String Quartet (RSQ) is one of the most active and versatile string quartets in town which has been recognised for its virtuosic performances and creative programming.
Born and raised in Hong Kong - a city known as a cultural melting pot, the four musicians particularly enjoy cross-disciplinary performances in collaboration with artists of diverse background, ranging from dancer, choreographer and multimedia artist, to animator, sand painter, storyteller and indie rock band. Aspiring to create extraordinary musical experiences while pushing the boundaries of a string quartet, RSQ collaborated with acclaimed artists to curate and perform in a variety of genre-defying projects, including award-winning visual and sound artist Samson Young’s multimedia project “Muted Situations” for the Asia Triennial Manchester and Art Basel Hong Kong, and a series of online music-animation co-produced by Kamishibai Studio HK.
Striving to be at the forefront of championing new music, RSQ often works with both established and young composers, giving world premieres of over 50 pieces to date. It was featured in “Freespace Mixtape Vol. 3”, an album of new compositions and arrangements produced by the West Kowloon Cultural District, as well as in the highly acclaimed CD “Eurydice”, with an hour-long work composed by the sought-after interdisciplinary artist Austin Yip for the dance film project “Ballet de la Nuit”.
Since its debut in 2013, the quartet gained wide acclaim for its international appearances at prestigious venues such as Carnegie Hall in the US and Toppan Hall in Japan. It has also been invited to perform at renowned festivals, including the Hong Kong Arts Festival and Beare's Premiere Music Festival. RSQ regularly performs locally and abroad in projects presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong Government, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo), Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Art Museum, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Tai Kwun - Centre for Heritage and Arts, Hong Kong Harmonica Association and Hong Kong Composers' Guild, to name a few. RSQ has given over 20 educational and outreach performances as the quartet-in-residence with Premiere Performances Hong Kong, along with masterclasses and workshops at local and overseas institutes.
RSQ積極倡導新音樂,經常與不同風格的作曲家交流合作,迄今已為五十多首作品進行世界首演。他們曾為西九文化區製作的全新作曲和編曲專輯《Freespace Mixtape Vol. 3》演奏,並在廣受好評的唱片《尤麗黛絲》中演繹跨界藝術家葉浩堃為舞蹈電影創作的〈夜芭蕾〉。
RSQ曾到訪國家及地區舉行音樂會,其中包括美國紐約卡內基音樂廳和日本東京凸版音樂廳等,獲得廣泛好評。他們亦曾受邀於香港藝術節及比爾斯飛躍演奏音樂節等著名藝術節演出。 RSQ 多年來與不同機構合作,參與包括由香港政府康樂及文化事務署、香港經濟貿易辦事處(東京)、香港電台、香港小交響樂團、香港藝術館、香港創樂團、大館──古蹟及藝術中心、香港口琴協會及香港作曲家聯會等主辦的表演項目。作為飛躍演奏香港的駐團四重奏,RSQ主持了二十多場教育和外展演出,並定期為本地和海外機構舉辦大師班和工作坊。